Annie Strong – Potter

Welcome to Delighted Owl Pottery! I’m Annie and here’s a little bit about me. I started making pottery in the fall of 2021 and absolutely fell in love with it. I can still remember looking down at one of my first owl pieces and feeling such a spark of delight and thought how happy I would be if I could make something like this every day!
When You do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.

Let’s back up a bit. When I was 19, I had one of those major life events that are marked by a distinct before and after. My boyfriend Jeffrey and I were in a car accident that left him paralyzed. This was a difficult journey. Jeffrey and I married a couple of years later and we are still great partners at curating a life of joy and contentment through the peaks and valleys.
In my mid twenties as I was searching for meaningful work in light of what we’d experienced, I started the down the path of becoming a chaplain and spent the next 8 years working towards that. I wanted to journey along side others who were traveling through the dark valleys of life. However, after working in the field as a hospice chaplain for 3 1/2 years, I felt my soul couldn’t breathe, I felt burned out, and I felt like maybe this work wasn’t a good fit for me.

So Jeffrey and I moved to a quiet town near the Oregon coast to recalibrate. After allowing space to just be and reconnect with my truer self, I took a pottery class at the local art center (serendipitously an owl making class). And here I am sharing my creations in hopes of spreading the joy that pottery sparks in me. I’m not looking too far ahead at what’s around the next corner, so I’m not sure where this will take me, but its where I am now. Every day I have the joy of making pottery!
Finding the right work is like finding our own soul in the world.
Thomas Moore
Jeffrey Strong – Web Developer

Jeffrey is the web developer and all around tech support guy. He adds a calm, steadiness to all the workings of Delighted Owl Pottery. Jeffrey’s greatest passion is making music through playing guitar and creating soundscapes on the keyboard. His music can be found here.
Love . . . consists in this, that two solitudes protect and border and salute each other.
– Rainer Maria Rilke
Louie – Studio English Bulldog

Louie loves to play fetch with his favorite toy, lay in the warm sun, and happily eats anything that falls on the floor. He’s a snuggle bug who likes to think of himself as a tough guy.
Happiness is a warm puppy.
Charles m. Schultz