I’m a part of a great community art center with a vibrant pottery department. I try to intentionally practice freudenfreude – the German word meaning, “the enjoyment of another’s success” (Brené Brown, Atlas of the Heart, p. 36). I love seeing the creative works of my fellow potters and learning from them!
But the other day comparison slithered in and whispered in my ears, “You’re not as good as her . . You’re not progressing as fast as him. . . You’re not good enough. . . Who do you think you are sharing your work?” I tried to pretend comparison wasn’t there, I tried to shove it down, I tried to ignore it. But there was no denying comparison was present, squashing my creativity and stealing my joy.
To compare is human, to let it go is divine.
Brené Brown
These words remind me that I’m not alone in struggling with comparison, and they give me permission to feel my way through it while inviting me to untangle from its negativity. So I looked comparison in the eye and said, “I see you there. Thanks for pointing out the great work others around me are doing. I’m happy for them. Their light doesn’t diminish mine. Now move along.” Then I turned to myself and said, “Annie, you don’t have to be the best, you don’t have to be better than others, you only need to be yourself and keep creating”. So farewell comparison (at least for the next few moments)!